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Koffee Kult Review: Discover The Roasts And Flavors

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Searching for a new kind of coffee to try? Kick your coffee cravings up a notch with Koffee Kult coffee! 

Koffee Kult has a reputation almost as bold as the flavor of the coffee beans themselves. This brand is easily recognizable by its off-the-wall, witty branding techniques that cleverly differentiate between the different roasts. `

Keeping Up With Koffee Kult

Roasting since 2011 and based out of Hollywood, Florida, Koffee Kult acquires beans from over 50 different countries around the world and roasts them to perfection. Creating delicious coffee to meet the caffeine needs of coffee fanatics around the world. Roasting solely Arabica beans from Indonesia, Central and South America, and Africa. 

On average, it roasts coffee in small batches to ensure that only the highest quality coffee beans are roasted, taking care to remove any impurities or mutations. They hand-select all of the unroasted beans, making sure to preserve flavor nuances and to correctly develop each batch of coffee before it’s packaged and shipped.

What’s The Kicker?

Roasting about 30lbs of beans on average, Koffee Kult actually provides a large amount of coffee for a majority of southern Florida’s coffee shops and espresso cafes. So why do so many people go crazy for Koffee Kult?

There are many reasons why! The company’s primary goal is to provide authentic, one-of-a-kind artisan coffee to coffee connoisseurs and cafes everywhere. In doing this, Koffee Kult actively tries to participate in the modern coffee culture movement, ensuring that the growing, cultivation, roasting, and brewing methods are all done to enhance the overall flavor and experience of the coffee for the consumer. 

Products Offered

There are many products that Koffee Kult offers that coffee lovers of all kinds can enjoy. From a variety of roasts, blends, gifts, and merchandise, there are options available for everyone! There are a variety of unique coffee roasts that Koffee Kult offers, and here are just a few of them.

Single Origin Coffees

When it comes to the unique flavors that different regions provide to coffee beans, Koffee Kult offers single-origin coffees from some of the most nutrient-rich, authentic areas on the planet. Some of the most common regions are Tanzania, Ethiopia, Columbia, Guatemala Huehuetenango, Kenya, Brazil, and more!

Coffee Roasts

Koffee Kult offers a wide variety of coffee roasts and custom blends for you to satisfy your coffee cravings. Some of the standard across-the-board roasts include the light roast, Medium Roast Coffee, Dark Roast, and Eye Cracker Espresso Beans. 

White Lightning Blonde Coffee

The lightest roast that Koffee Kult offers, White Lightning is not only packed with succulent flavor but, as its name implies, also has a potent amount of caffeine as well. With such a scrumptious flavor, there’s almost no need for cream or sugar! However, this roast may not suit everyone’s tastebuds. But if you’re a lover of a strongly flavored, robust black coffee, then White Lightning will be your new best friend. 

Medium Roast Coffee

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Lesser in caffeine content and less grainy that its White Lightning counterpart, Koffee Kult’s Medium Roast Coffee is well-balanced both in flavor and acidity. With little to no oil on the beans, the Medium Roast is made of Columbian and Brazilian beans and is a nice middle-ground between a lighter, more acidic roast, and a stronger, darker roast. This roast is perfect to enjoy early in the mornings, during afternoon lulls, and for those late-night shifts at work. 

Dark Roast Coffee

The Dark Roast by Koffee Kult is for those who enjoy the dark side of coffee. With a strong aroma and a deep, full-body, this dark roast consists of smooth notes of flavor like cinnamon, caramel, and more! Koffee Kult also ensures to roast their dark roast beans to the second crack, and then immediately releasing the beans into a cooler bin to enhance the flavor. 

Eye Cracker Espresso Beans

Combining coffee beans from Kenya and Central America, Eye Cracker Espresso Beans are roasted on the darker side. Embodying fruity flavors like tangerine, cherry, a touch of lemon, as well as subtle notes of caramel, this espresso roast is one of the fruitiest, sweetest roasts you can get your hands (and taste buds) on. With extreme caffeine and flavor in this roast, the Eye Cracker Espresso Roast is a delicious option for those who need a punch of caffeine and a savory amount of flavor to get them through a busy morning. 

Decaf Roasts

Unlike many coffee roasters, Koffee Kult offers decaf options in a variety of different roasts and origins. Koffee Kult believes that everyone should be able to experience the delicious flavors offered by the roaster, some of the most popular decaf roasts include Brazil Mogiana Decaf, Columbia Decaf, and Frontera Decaf. 

Though these roasts lack caffeine, they embody characteristics that set them apart from the competition. One example of this is the Brazil Mogiana Decaf Roast, a chemical-free decaf coffee that is grown without the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals. 

Custom Koffee Blends

Koffee Kult is no stranger to custom coffee blends. With flavors as unique as the roaster’s personality and reputation, these blends are fun, flavorful, and so robust that it’s hard to choose a favorite. 

ThunderBolt French Roast 

ThunderBolt French Roast Coffee by Koffee Kult is designed to keep you going throughout your most hectic of days. One of the stronger roasts offered by the company, ThunderBolt is a dark French roast that’s made with specialty grade beans from Brazil and Columbia. 

Not only will it fuel you, but ThunderBolt is also full of delicious flavors. With cupping notes of earthy tones, sweet molasses, and smokey tobacco, this roast is deep, robust, and has a full body with a long savory finish. 

Road Dog

Need a hot cup of joe to enjoy while embarking on a long drive? This blend is designed with road-runners in mind. Road Dog by Koffee Kult is filled with caffeine and delicious flavors for you to sip on whether you’ve got a long drive ahead, or a long day at work ahead of you.

A darker roast, Road Dog is full of aromas and flavorful notes of cocoa, dark chocolate, brown sugar. As far as brewing methods are concerned, Road Dog is delicious both on its own and accompanied by milk/creamer and sugar. To highlight all of the deep notes of flavor in this roast, some suggested brewing methods are the pour-over, Chemex, French press, Aeropress, and cold brewing. 

Mr. Coopers Fiesta En La Finca

Koffee Kult blends both dark roasts and medium roasts together to create an authentic, flavor-filled cup of coffee. Sourcing the beans from different regions from central American countries such as Costa Rica to local regions like the Carolinas, this Fiesta En La Finca blend is a delicious choice that’s bold and full in body and is smooth in flavor as well. 

Well-balanced in flavor and body, this blend is medium brown in color and has a silky-smooth texture. If you’re looking for a well-balanced blend, the Fiesta En La Finca can quickly become a new favorite. 

Koffee K-Cups

Don’t have time to grind your own coffee? These K-Cup blends by Koffee Kult are compact and concentrated with rich flavors. They make the perfect gift for the coffee drinkers who mainly brew with Keurigs and other single-serve machines. So the next time you need a quick cup of coffee while you’re getting ready to go to work in the morning, kick your morning routine up a notch with any of these Koffee Kult K-Cups. 

Koffee Kult offers K-Cups of different roasts, such as medium, dark, and Columbia decaf roasts. Not only is there a K-Cup for everybody who enjoys caffeine, but there’s an abundance of flavors for the decaf K-Cup lovers as well!

Our Review

For our review of Koffee Kult, they sent us a 12 oz bag of Costa Rica La Rosa in whole bean form. Not only is the flavor delicious, but there are many other aspects of this coffee roaster that we’re obsessed with. Here are some of the things we enjoy about Koffee Kult. 

About Costa Rica La Rosa

Meet one of Koffee Kult’s most robust blends, Costa Rica La Rosa. Coming from four different farms in the Naranjo district in Costa Rica, this roast is cultivated in a region that has the best conditions for growing coffee. These conditions include high altitudes, adequate rainfall, pleasant temperatures, as well as soil that has a wealth of nutrients. 

It is processed through the honey coffee processing method, which is also called the semi-washed process. For this roast, the mucilage in the coffee cherry is allowed to remain attached, adding an extra dosage of sweeter, highlighted flavor. 

Obvious Date Placement

Koffee Kult Review

One of the most noticeable characteristics that we like about Koffee Kult is the obvious placement of the roasting date and the “best by” date. Not only does Koffee Kult package their coffee as airtight as possible to protect it from the elements, but they make sure to visibly place the date that’s easy to locate.

Koffee Kult Review

Resealable Bag

In addition to the labeling on Koffee Kult’s bag, the roaster also packages all of their coffee in resealable bags. We especially enjoy this feature because these easily resealable bags allow you to brew your beans at different times without them being vulnerable to unwanted moisture or air to spoil them. 

Koffee Kult Review


Now, our favorite quality about Koffee Kult is hands-down the deep, luscious flavor. This medium roasted Costa Rican coffee is full of flavor with every sip, and some of the most noticeable hints of flavor include fruits like sweet cherry, orange, and cocoa. It’s medium-bodied and well balanced in acidity, making it a great option to drink black or to pair with a creamer. 

We also noticed that these beans do have a thin layer of oil present on them, showing that they’ve been roasted long enough to enhance the inner flavors of caramel and nuttiness.

Koffee Kult edited

Join The Kult

Can’t get enough of Koffee Kult? Order a Koffee Kult subscription! There are three different coffee subscription levels offered by Koffee Kult. These levels include the Monthly Gift Cub, Coffee of the Month Club, and the Secret Coffee Club. 

Monthly Gift Club

Want a delicious dose of coffee every month? Try the Monthly Gift Club! Roasting fresh coffee almost every day, Koffee Kult will select a different blend/roast for the subscriber each month to enjoy, and the delivery consists of a 12oz bag of freshly roasted coffee, brewing tips, tasting notes, and more. In fact, the coffee is securely packaged and shipped out within 24 hours of roasting. 

Coffee Of The Month Club

Similar to the Monthly Gift Club, the Coffee of the Month Club also provides freshly roasted coffee with every delivery, but there’s a little bit more flexibility on your choices of roasts/blends. You can select the frequency of how often you’ll receive coffee, and you can also cancel your subscription anytime since there is no contract.

Ultimately, with this subscription, you’ll receive two 12-16oz bags of coffee each month, one single-origin coffee and the other a blend. In addition, the subscriber will also receive a Koffee Kult mug, exclusive club promotions, and the freedom to cancel the subscription at any time. 

Secret Coffee Club

The most exclusive level that Koffee Kult has to offer, the Secret Coffee Club provides subscribers to 12oz bags of coffee roasts/blends that are only available to these Secret Coffee Club subscribers. These roasts are highly exclusive and available only to subscribers who are part of the Secret Coffee Club. All orders will be roasted and shipped out within 4-5 days of the purchase. 

The Yays

There are so many things to enjoy about Koffee Kult, we’ve almost lost count. Here are some of our favorite qualities about this brand that make it stand out against the competition: 

Whole Or Ground?

Almost every blend of coffee by Koffee Kult comes in options for both ground coffee and whole bean coffee. So, whether you have access to a grinder at home or not, you can still experience the delicious flavors the Koffee Kult has to offer. 

Size Matters

Crazy for Koffee Kult? If you’re looking to buy Koffee Kult in bulk, then you’re in luck! You can purchase roasts and blends of Koffee Kult in smaller sizes like 12oz, medium size like 32oz, and large size bag of 80oz. So if you want to just try a smaller size of coffee, the 12oz size is the best fit for you, and if you need a larger amount of coffee to last for a longer time, then the 80oz will hold you over for a while. 

The Options Are Endless

Koffee Kult caters to everyone. No matter what kind of coffee you prefer, Koffee Kult most likely has a roast that will leave your taste buds craving more. With light, medium, dark, French roasts, and custom blends, there are options for everyone to choose from. 


We enjoy Koffee Kult because they are able to cater to the needs of all of their customers, despite a variety of brewing methods. For those who usually brew with Keurigs or single-serve machines in general, Koffee Kult offers a variety of roasts in K-Cup form. 

Extra Goodies & Gifts

Not a coffee fan? (It’s okay, we forgive you). The great news is that Koffee Kult offers a variety of merchandise to give to your coffee-crazy loved ones. The company offers gift boxes, gift cards, travel mugs, t-shirts, and air-tight storage containers. Furthermore, the option of coffee subscriptions is also a great choice for those who enjoy coffee delivery services and enjoy Koffee Kult specifically. 

The Nays

There’s always a way to make a good thing great. Just as there are so many things to enjoy about Koffee Kult, there are also a few things that we think could make this tasty coffee even more terrific. 

Organically Sourced Only

The flavor quality of Koffee Kult is one of the most noticeable factors about this brand. However, for those who primarily care about the organic, environmentally-friendly factor of their coffee, Koffee Kult claims to sell organically-sourced coffee, but the coffee itself doesn’t actually meet organic coffee standards. 

Tricky Customer Service

Some unfortunate reports regarding Koffee Kult refer to customer service that can be difficult to contact at certain times. Though high roasting demands may influence the accessibility of their customer service department, Koffee Kult is usually pretty decent about responding within a reasonable time frame, though sometimes it can be different depending on the time of year or the day.

The Verdict

Ultimately, Koffee Kult is a great option for those who are searching to spice up their daily dose of delicious coffee. With so many vibrant flavors and cupping notes offered, you definitely won’t be disappointed with whatever roast or blend you choose from–which is a great quality that many other coffee brands don’t have. But don’t just take our word for it! Order some of this robust, flavorful coffee for yourself and find out why Koffee Kult has us craving more with each sip. 

Happy caffeinating!

Koffee Kult Review: Discover The Roasts And Flavors: Crazy Good Coffee, Crazy Good Flavor
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One of the most recognizable brands on the market today, we got the pleasure of reviewing Koffee Kult and you can read our in-depth review, right here!

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